Funslope Planai

220628 planai gesamt oben clean
220628 planai gesamt clean

Winter season is Funslope season! At Funslope Planai, every skier and snowboarder finds his/her personal adventure, and this is true for anyone – no matter if big or small, old or young. Racy waves, rapid banked turns and highlights like the gigantic Fun Twister or the Hoop Race guarantee 700 meters of finest snow fun.

Are you down for a fun ride? Find out what kind of adventures are waiting for you at Funslope Planai. The course starts with the Hoop Race. Pass the hoops with your best carving turns and master the banked turns. The two following snow waves release you with a Speedboost, so you have enough pace for the Funslope’s next highlight. Check out the Funslope 8 and you will surely get turned around. After three further snow waves, the snow course leads through the gigantic Fun Twister which whirls you around before you pass a tunnel. This is the start of Funslope’s Planai final section. Here, five snow waves with different funny obstacles represent the perfect finish. Clap the big cushioned High-Five hand, take the jump on the last snow wave and fly towards the finish line!

Here we would like to show you a Vimeo video.

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